In the first part of this blog we reflected on the history of organisational theory and the changes in the world of work. In the second part, we turn to possible new forms of organisation.
New understanding of organisation
One thing in advance. An organisation only has a raison d'être if it pursues a clear goal, performs in order to enable success in the end. A form of organisation never has an end in itself.
In addition to the classic elements in organisational theory such as structural and process organisation, tasks, material resources, information as well as the elements of time, space and quantity, the handling of the 'task bearer' (human being) is of greater importance.
Essentially, it is about considering the following issues as an integral part of corporate development:
Clear vision and goals: Does the organisation have a vision and goals that are lived out credibly and consistently? Is the vision regularly reviewed? Is the orientation correct, taking into account the often changing market conditions? Is the strategy for implementing the vision and goals adequately chosen?
Business model: Can the chosen business model cushion the requirements for adaptability, resilience and stability?
Human-centred organisation: Is the form of organisation chosen and set up in such a way that people with their cognitive abilities are able to work efficiently? The latest findings from neuroscience show which aspects of an organisation promote efficient work: Vision and visualisation, brain-friendly work models, simplification in the work environment.
The right people in the right positions: In addition to experience and education, more attention must be paid to personality traits and intrinsic motivation. Staffing based on a best-placement principle. This already starts with recruitment.
A brain-friendly work environment is understood to include the following:
Employees have the opportunity to drink enough, exercise and eat healthily
The working environment is structured as simply as possible. This concerns structures, processes, rooms.
Organisational plasticity should be possible. This means that routines should be broken and variety in work should be possible. This can be done, for example, by simple means - changing the seating arrangements, not always having the same order of agenda items in meetings, job enrichment, etc.
New forms of organisation
Is the 'classic' hierarchical form of organisation dead?
I wouldn't say that. But this form is no longer the predominant one in many successful companies today. One disadvantage of many hierarchically organised organisations, especially when they have reached a certain size, is the slowness with which they can react to changes. But it is precisely this ability that is increasingly becoming a success factor in new work values.
In recent years, attempts have been made to increase flexibility through so-called matrix organisations. This has proven successful in many cases. At its core, however, such an organisation remains hierarchically structured.
New forms of organisation have established themselves and are on the rise. One thing remains the same with these new forms. They also regulate who is responsible for which tasks. However, the interaction is no longer controlled by hierarchies but by dynamic relationships and roles. The best-known models are certainly holocracy or sociocracy. Less common are project-oriented organisational forms, in which operational activities are carried out as in a project organisation. Above all, the advance of agile methods in corporate management are drivers for such new organisational forms.
We see the greatest challenges and opportunities for these forms of organisation in the following areas:
Leadership: Leadership via hierarchical power is replaced by leadership by example, inspiration and stimulation. And the basis is a more consolidated self-leadership of all employees.
Holistic approach: Good consistency between vision/strategy and operational implementation is a core element of successful companies. The organisation sees itself as a system that continuously interacts at all levels. There is no top and bottom.
Corporate culture: In agile organisations, corporate culture becomes a factor of stability. Business management functions are therefore responsible for actively developing culture on an ongoing basis. A purposeful corporate culture is the kit in dynamic organisations.
In the future, a resilient and flexible organisation will have competitive advantages. A corporate culture that is actively shaped and aligned with vision and goals helps a company to be successful in the market and to attract skilled workers. On the one hand, a 'people-oriented' organisation promotes the motivation of employees at all levels as well as their health.
Corporate success through holistic organisational development!
Mindtrain supports organisations in achieving this excellence. We work with the organisation, on the organisation and in the organisation. Supporting leaders and professionals as well as whole (leadership) teams. Getting a foothold in the new world of work and looking at all elements for sustainable success.
People - Emotions - Results
TIP: The book 'Reinventing Organizations' by Frederic Laloux gives a good overview of developments and new forms of organisation.