This question and the answer to it are crucial for existential leadership!
In today's fast-paced world, where we are often caught up in the whirlwind of everyday
life, we sometimes lose sight of the fundamental question: What does it mean to exist?
Existence is not just physical existence, but encompasses many dimensions that characterise our perception, our relationships and our personal development.
Existence is a question of consciousness!
What existential part of me and my environment do I recognise and allow? When I talk about a new leader consciousness in the context of existential leadership, this is exactly what I mean. Which existential dimensions can I consciously integrate into leadership?.
Preliminary remark
I realise that this topic can be controversial for people. People can have different states of consciousness - and that's OK. I invite you to simply read this blog with an open mind and see what happens for you and what is right for you.

Would you like to take a look at the possible existential dimensions?
The following descriptions are an attempt to describe existence in very simple terms. They do not claim to be 100% medically or psychologically accurate.
Phyiscal dimension
Our body is the basis for our earthly existence. It enables us to perceive and interact with the world. We perceive the physical world with our 5 senses: sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell. The brain is the processing centre of this information. It is said that humans are actually spiritual beings and that the body is the dwelling place of our spirit.
Emotional dimension
The emotional dimension, or the psychological dimension, has the task of processing experiences and making them possible. It is characterised by imprints, thought and behaviour patterns. Humans have 7 basic emotional states: joy, sadness, fear, disgust, surprise, anger and contempt. Experiences can trigger these states depending on stored patterns and in turn form imprints, especially between the ages of 2 and plus/minus 17. During this time, our brain is still growing and is therefore particularly receptive to formative experiences. Our subconscious is responsible for this.
Social dimension
Die Interaktion mit anderen Menschen in unserem Umfeld ist entscheiden für unsere Existenz und unser Wohlbefinden. Unsere Beziehungen, auch die zu uns selber, geben unserem Leben Sinn und Erfüllung. Sie tragen zu unserem persönlichen und sozialen Wachstum bei.
Spirituelle Dimension
Interaction with other people in our environment is crucial to our existence and our well-being. Our relationships, including those with ourselves, give our lives meaning and fulfilment. They contribute to our personal and social growth.

And now comes the crucial question: What does all this mean for the management?
The Existential Leadership approach addresses all dimensions. Where a leader wants and needs it, we go deeper. We ask ourselves existential questions. For us, but also in our dealings with peers and employees.
A conscious view of our existence and the various dimensions helps us to live a more fulfilling life. To lead more consciously and authentically. Command & control is supplemented, and in some cases replaced, by leadership through inspiration. New, sustainable leadership and corporate cultures are created. Employees identify more deeply with their environment, with the company. They bring themselves to the table and drive innovation.
And last but definitely not least - sustainable corporate success is established in spite of a fast-moving environment.

Existential Leadership addresses all 4 existential dimensions: physical, emotional, social and spiritual.
We ensure that the body, the physical dimension, is and remains healthy.
We also look at mental and emotional health to ensure greater motivation and innovative strength.
Existential leadership has a strong focus on the social dimension. Because one alone does not guarantee success. An environment with good social interaction allows innovation to explode, accelerates development and transformation and ensures success.
And the appropriate integration of the spiritual dimension ensures that the people in the organisation develop perseverance and strength to an unprecedented degree. They can feel a sense of purpose and look forward to prospering in a culture of psychological safety.
And the winners are?
All people at all levels in the organisation Our customers and the organisation itself.
If reading this blog has got you going, then get in touch. Let's talk about how Existential Leadership can be applied in your environment and what you need to do so.
hallo@mindtrain.ch / +41 79 832 93 03
