Release bound energy
Conflicts are full of energy. Energy that cannot be invested in realising the goals.​
With conflicts it's like in the fire brigade. The sooner a fire can be extinguished, the greater the chance of preventing a conflagration.
Dealing with conflicts is a management responsibility. Because unresolved conflicts lead to ...
Disruptions in the course of action, in work processes
Restriction of the ability to act as an individual, as a team or as an organisation
Pressure to find a solution
Desire for reorientation with the ultimate wish to leave the situation
Tendency to escalate
... und laufen darum den unternehmerischen Zielen zuwider.
Mindtrain offers mediation and conflict management:
Impulses for mediation and conflict management
Mediation / Conflict resolution
Conflict coaching
Training 'Conflict management basics'
Training 'Leader as conflict manager'
Training 'HR support in conflict situations'
Mediation is based on the so-called consensus model. This means that the conflict parties themselves want to reach a consensus.
Conflict solutions based on the consensus model are usually ...
More sustainable
Enable further cooperation
Even weld people together
Are achieved more quickly
Cost less
The path to conflict resolution
Support for conflict resolution and mediation processes, conflict management training, keynotes.
Physical, online on request
We also offer training solutions on the topic of conflict management for managers, employees and HR staff.